Some Drawings
This was my first drawing in class.
A Glass Bottle
This was my first effort at an organic object.
A Conch Shell
The next things we worked on were some yogurt cups.
Yogurt Cups
My teacher, Debra Kozak, says that drawing crumpled paper is a classic training exercise.  She said she did quite a bit of them even while getting advanced degrees.
Crumpled Paper
There are almost all women in the class, so Debra directed us to draw women's shoes.  She had some fund teasing the women that their shoes were much better drawn than their crumpled sheets of paper because of their love for shoes.
A Woman's Shoe
Our next class started with another organic object.
A Pinecone
Because several people were quite unmotivated to work on the pinecones, she sent us outside to draw En Pleine Aire (I forget my French).
A Gazebo
My first attempt at drawing my own hand.
My Hand
Our teacher Debra Kozak, a very accomplished portrait artist, had us draw her.
Debra Kozak
Because I really need to be able to do figure and anatomical drawing to accurately represent my experience of healing and the spirit I went to a special session for life drawing.

WHEW!  This was tough!

A Nude Man with a Spear
Another life drawing.
A Nude Man on a Chair
A cloud leopard eyeing something from above
A Cloud Leopard
The head of a gorilla
A Gorilla Head
An effort to represent prezzes from another system. A Jdebeshtau